Upcoming Workshops & Events
Workshops are non-refundable, but may be used as a credit for future use.

DDY 30 Day Throw Down
30 days, 30 practices Transform your life with the commitment to practice every day, for 30 days. Prizes awarded to those that complete the challenge.
Free for Members.

Candlelight Yin w/ Live Music - Georgetown
Come in from the cold. Surrender to the warmth of yin yoga by candlelight and let yourself be immersed in the soothing sounds of live acoustic guitar. Join us for 90 minutes of bliss to get you settled and centered during the holiday season.
Come spend the evening in passive shapes, surrendering to stillness and breath in order to unwind completely. The studio will be bathed in mellow music and the warm glow of candlelight, creating the perfect atmosphere for healing rest.
This class is not heated, and suitable for every one and every body. Bring your friends and family and share the gifts of peace and serenity.
Cost: $20
A portion of the proceeds will go to a local community charity.
Herndon: Hopeful DC Christmas
Georgetown: TBD

Candlelight Yin w/ Live Music - Herndon
Come in from the cold. Surrender to the warmth of yin yoga by candlelight and let yourself be immersed in the soothing sounds of live acoustic guitar. Join us for 90 minutes of bliss to get you settled and centered during the holiday season.
Come spend the evening in passive shapes, surrendering to stillness and breath in order to unwind completely. The studio will be bathed in mellow music and the warm glow of candlelight, creating the perfect atmosphere for healing rest.
This class is not heated, and suitable for every one and every body. Bring your friends and family and share the gifts of peace and serenity.
Cost: $20
A portion of the proceeds will go to a local community charity.
Herndon: Hopeful DC Christmas
Georgetown: TBD

Free Class for Veterans
In honor of Veterans Day, United States armed forces practice for free this Veterans Day (Friday Nov. 10th Observance). Show your I.D. to the front desk.
Georgetown Studio: 6:30am, 9:30am, 6:30pm (12pm & 4:30pm not included)
Herndon Studio: All Classes

Art of Assisting
We are all built for CONNECTION!
Art of assisting is a hands-on training created to transform your practice as a student, teacher or in-class assistant.
You will participate in 10 hours of work balanced between practicing, learning alignment principles, giving and receiving assists with the guidance of seasoned teachers from Down Dog Yoga. The experience of Art of Assisting will provide you with a brand new way of connecting with others and being of service.
Knowledge and training in the basics of assisting including...
Role and partnership of assistant and teacher
Assistant responsibilities before, during and after classes
Ability to provide powerful and impactful support
When & Where:
Herndon - Sat. Sept. 16th 11:00 AM-3:30PM
Georgetown - Sun., Sept. 17th 1:30PM-6:00PM
$400 for Members
$460 for Non-Members
*Price includes two 60 minutes classes
11:00AM Class w/Debbie in Herndon
4:30PM Class ww/Colleen in Georgetown

Flow Into Fall: Bingo Bliss
Flow into Fall with Down Dog Yogas Bingo Bliss
WHOLE Card Completed = 5 entries
4 Corners Completed = 3 entries
1 Line Completed = 1 entry
Bingo Bliss Rules:
Be HONEST. This Challenge relies on the honor system. Honesty in your accomplishments & that they were completed within the challenge dates.
Do your best, without judgment!
All Bingo cards must be brought into the studio by October 8th for entries to be included in the draw.
One Bingo card per yogi
Multiple squares may apply to a single practice session.
Up To $500 Value
One Month Unlimited Yoga
One Complimentary Workshop (within 6 months)
Manduka Pro Yoga Mat
Down Dog Yoga Merch

New Student Workshop with Debbie Taneyhill
Interested in beginning a yoga practice but have no idea how to start? This workshop is for YOU! We will introduce you to the pillars of our practice and give you tools to help you move through a class with ease.
Yoga is for ANY body, any age, any level of physical fitness.
Come and discover how you can adopt this lifelong practice and make it work for you. Extra Bonus, you will meet a super cool community of people to support your journey of body, mind and spirit health!
$35 Members & Non-Members
DDY Power Members that bring a New Student may attend this workshop for free.

Take Flight with Colleen Gillis
Do you ever see handstands and think "how do I do that?!" This workshop is for you! Gain a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of standing on your hands, how to incorporate handstands into your practice, and drills to continue practicing. All levels are welcome, and the workshop will include progressive opportunities to work into handstands. Say no to banana backs and dents in the wall, Colleen will help you find alignment upside down.
$35 Members & $50 Non-Members

Chakra Workshop with Sharman Dudley
Get to know your energy system!
Chakra in Sanskrit means "wheel" and refers to energy points in the body. When our chakras are not balanced, we may feel confused, lost, drained, and even sick. When our chakras are balanced, energy flows freely and we feel energized, revitalized, and peaceful.
This workshop will include:
A group discussion on the importance of each of the seven chakras
A Chakra meditation to promote healing and wellness.
A practical guide as well as other resources to keep your Chakras balanced and flowing freely to live your most energized and harmonious life.
This workshop will not include a physical asana practice and the room will not be heated. Please wear comfortable clothing, bring your mat and a journal if you'd like to take notes.

New Student Workshop with Sarah Burdick
Interested in beginning a yoga practice but have no idea how to start? This workshop is for YOU! We will introduce you to the pillars of our practice and give you tools to help you move through a class with ease.
Yoga is for ANY body, any age, any level of physical fitness.
Come and discover how you can adopt this lifelong practice and make it work for you. Extra Bonus, you will meet a super cool community of people to support your journey of body, mind and spirit health!
$35 Members & Non-Members

Take Flight With JD & KD
Do you ever see handstands and think "how do I do that?!" This workshop is for you! Gain a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of standing on your hands, how to incorporate handstands into your practice, and drills to continue practicing. All levels are welcome, and the workshop will include progressive opportunities to work into handstands. Say no to banana backs and dents in the wall, JD & Katie will help you find alignment upside down.
$35 Members & $50 Non-Members

New Student Workshop with Debbie Taneyhill
Interested in beginning a yoga practice but have no idea how to start? This workshop is for YOU! We will introduce you to the pillars of our practice and give you tools to help you move through a class with ease.
Yoga is for ANY body, any age, any level of physical fitness.
Come and discover how you can adopt this lifelong practice and make it work for you. Extra Bonus, you will meet a super cool community of people to support your journey of body, mind and spirit health!
$35 Members & Non-Members

Patty Ivey 20th Anniversary Class
Join our founder Patty Ivey for 75 minutes of Hot Power flow during our 20th Anniversary weekend celebration.
Guaranteed to be sweaty & inspiring, and sensational! We’ll be selling limited edition 20th Anniversary Down Dog Yoga gear, giving away fun freebies, and enjoying complimentary food and drinks afterwards. You won’t want to miss it! Patty will be virtual-streaming too, so you can get in on the fun from a distance.

Patty Ivey 20th Anniversary Class
Join our founder Patty Ivey for 75 minutes of Hot Power flow during our 20th Anniversary weekend celebration.
Guaranteed to be sweaty & inspiring, and sensational! We’ll be selling limited edition 20th Anniversary Down Dog Yoga gear, giving away fun freebies, and enjoying complimentary food and drinks afterwards. You won’t want to miss it! Patty will be virtual-streaming too, so you can get in on the fun from a distance.

Charity Class - LoveYour Brain
Join Chandler for a 60 minute fun, donation Power Yoga flow benefiting LoveYourBrain nonprofit organization.
Each year more than 3 million people in the US and Canada experience a traumatic brain injury (TBI). TBI can lead to ‘whole person challenges’ including cognitive, emotional, and physical impairments, and these challenges can often be life-long. LoveYourBrain believes that yoga, mindfulness, and community are essential in transforming the well-being of people impacted by traumatic brain injury, including concussion.
100% of the proceeds from this class will keep LoveYourBrain’s programs free for the TBI community.
Patty Ivey In Town
Join our founder Patty Ivey for 90 minutes of Hot Power flow. Guaranteed to be sweaty & inspiring!
Patty Ivey In Town
Join our founder Patty Ivey for 75 minutes of Hot Power flow. Guaranteed to be sweaty & inspiring!

Herndon Partner Yoga
Led by Debbie Taneyhill & Colleen Gillis
Bring your partner, your sweetie, a family member - or your best friend. Be prepared for 90min of fun and laughter as we celebrate love, friendship, and community!
$50 Non-Member, $35 Members
Must pre-register. Non-refundable.

Georgetown Partner Yoga
Led by Katie Davis & Sarah Lynagh
Bring your partner, your sweetie, a family member - or your best friend. Be prepared for 90min of fun and laughter as we celebrate love, friendship, and community!
$50 Non-Member, $35 Members
Must pre-register. Non-refundable.

The Basics of Yoga
This workshop will give you the tools necessary to begin a power yoga practice as an access to vitality, power and freedom in your body and in your life.
The tools you will learn:
1.) Ujjayi - Breath
2.) Drishti - Focus
3.) Foundation - Core, Hands and Feet
4.) Tapas - Heat
5.) Vinyasa - Flow
All students are welcome and encouraged to attend. Whether you are brand new to yoga or are looking for a refresh this workshop is for you! No previous yoga experience necessary. Must preregister.

Candlelight Yin
Come in from the cold. Surrender to the warmth of yin yoga by candlelight and let yourself be immersed in the soothing sounds of live music. Join Christina, Lana & Jordan for 90 minutes of bliss to get you settled and centered during the winter season.
Come spend the evening in passive shapes, experience stillness and breath in order to unwind completely. This class is not heated, and suitable for everyone and all levels.
Bring your family and friends and enjoy mellow music and the warm glow of candlelight.

The Basics of Yoga
This workshop will give you the tools necessary to begin a power yoga practice as an access to vitality, power and freedom in your body and in your life.
The tools you will learn:
1.) Ujjayi - Breath
2.) Drishti - Focus
3.) Foundation - Core, Hands and Feet
4.) Tapas - Heat
5.) Vinyasa - Flow
All students are welcome and encouraged to attend. Whether you are brand new to yoga or are looking for a refresh this workshop is for you! No previous yoga experience necessary. Must preregister.

The Basics of Yoga
This workshop will give you the tools necessary to begin a power yoga practice as an access to vitality, power and freedom in your body and in your life.
The tools you will learn:
1.) Ujjayi - Breath
2.) Drishti - Focus
3.) Foundation - Core, Hands and Feet
4.) Tapas - Heat
5.) Vinyasa - Flow
All students are welcome and encouraged to attend. Whether you are brand new to yoga or are looking for a refresh this workshop is for you! No previous yoga experience necessary. Must preregister.

DDY 30 Day Throw Down
30 days, 30 practices
(Minimum 20 must be in-studio, up to 10 may be live-streamed)
Transform your life with the commitment to practice every day, for 30 days. Prizes awarded to those that complete the challenge.
Free for Members.

Candlelight Yin
Come in from the cold. Surrender to the warmth of yin yoga by candlelight and let yourself be immersed in the soothing sounds of live acoustic guitar. Join Kelly and Jordan for 90 minutes of bliss to get you settled and centered during the holiday season.
Come spend the evening in passive shapes, surrendering to stillness and breath in order to unwind completely. The studio will be bathed in mellow music and the warm glow of candlelight, creating the perfect atmosphere for healing rest.
This class is not heated, and suitable for every one and every body. Bring your family and friends and share the gifts of peace and serenity.

Saturday Night Fever
This disco inspired class will have you sweating to 70’s disco music, with a lil’ bit of Jane Fonda moves thrown in. Dressing up in your most creative yoga disco attire encouraged!
Patty Ivey - Being In Action Workshop
Join Patty Ivey for a free community workshop that includes breath work, guided meditation and inquiry. This is an opportunity for us to gather as a community, connect, enjoy conscious conversation and discover new ways to build a spiritual foundation for a life that works.

Patty Ivey - Master Class
Join Patty for a dynamic experience of Power Vinyasa, breath work and guided meditation. These combined practices will help us connect to ourselves and others, and offer new ways of being in the world that can become the foundation for a life that works.
This class is followed by a one hour free community workshop.
The workshop is about connection, conscious conversation and opportunity for new insight and discovery.

Free Class for Veterans
In honor of Veterans Day, United States armed forces practice for free this Veterans Day. Show your I.D. to the front desk.

Halloween Hot Power
Our annual Halloween Hot Power class is back again. Dress up in your spookiest yoga attire!